Hakurei Turnip: All About It

The Hakurei is a relatively new variety of turnip. It was developed in Japan in the 1950’s when food shortages were high due to WWII. If you think you don’t like turnips, please try this delightfully mild, crisp, sweet variety! The Hakurei is a welcome addition to our early spring vegetable collection, they generally come in right after radishes, and not surprisingly pair very well all other spring veggies.


No need to peel, just wash well and trim the ends. The tops are also edible, either raw or quickly sautéed with oil and garlic.The turnip is an excellent source of vitamin C,B6, and E, fiber, and potassium. If you eat the greens you’ll get a good dose of calcium and vitamins A and K. They are quite low in calories. The Hakurei is delicious, raw, glazed, sautéed, grilled or roasted.


Remove the greens from your turnips before storing in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. They will keep for a week to 10 days. The greens, stored unwashed, in a separate bag will last for 2-3 days. Wash well before using the greens.


  • Raw! Hakurei are wonderful raw. Serve them on a crudités plate, with a bit of oil and salt. They look like a radish, but are mild and sweet.
  • Grill it! Toss whole or halved Hakurei on a hot grill for a few minutes. They will soften a bit and the flesh will sweeten. They go with anything!
  • Sauté in brown butter with their greens. Halve or quarter the turnips, and chop the greens coarsely. Heat butter until it just starts to bubble and become fragrant, toss in the turnips, turning often, add the greens after a minute or two, and cook for an additional 4-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Delicious and simple! Because of their high water content, cook Hakureis on high heat to encourage caramelization.

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Cooking Tips Meet the Veggies hakurei meet the veggies turnip

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