“We like the fact that we can choose what we get rather than having it chosen for us. We get exactly what we need without any going to waste, plus we can purchase our own vegetable/flower plants, have a treat from the Hello Café, purchase other items not grown at Cedar Circle, etc, all through our CSA program (rather than the traditional box of vegetables every week that doesn’t always fit individual families’ needs—your type of program is much better and I’d be surprised if you have complaints about it!). I also like the fact that as part of this CSA program we can contribute toward the purchase of a “box” for someone who might not be able to purchase a regular share. I know the “old” type of CSA share with the weekly box provided many opportunities for adventurous cooking, but I find cooking adventurous anyway and like the fact that I have more flexibility in what I put into my cooking pot when I can choose the ingredients personally! For me it is an “adventure” anyway to come over to Cedar Circle and enjoy the farm. Thanks to you all for a great job you are doing!!!”
—Kathy and Bill
“Walking through the farmstand and seeing the rainbow of produce is inspiring, and being able to pick and choose whatever, whenever (with much less waste in our household) was a dealbreaker for us to leave behind the traditional CSA. There is something for everyone at the farmstand, and the flexibility and spontaneity of the card is wonderful. Having a CSA Card is beyond worth it to me. Our family is greatly enhanced by Cedar Circle Farm and we are so thankful to be surrounded by nutritious, organic, and delicious food alongside the amazing people/community of CCF.”
—Amelia, CSA Card member for 4+ years
“The novelty and convenience of the CSA Card appeal to us. Moreover, the card is a way to support our local organic farm. The CSA Card makes shopping healthfully so much easier! We love the educational approach to food–always something new/fun to learn! Also, the transactions go faster and more smoothly.”
—Susan, CSA Card member “since the very beginning”
“A CSA Card is the way to go! For our family, it’s a much more effective way to buy what we need and use what we get. With a traditional CSA, we found no matter how hard we tried, we were wasting food. And, as parents in a busy working family with three kids, we always stressed about picking up our share. Not so with the CSA Card! It seems to us that a CSA card offers all the benefits of a CSA (supporting local agriculture, committing our family to buying and eating local veggies, and a preseason discounted price) with none of the drawbacks of a traditional CSA.”
—Rosi and Dawn