Sign up for your CSA

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a great way to support your local farm while feeding your family the most delicious, organic food. Learn more!

We pay processing fees for every credit card transaction. Please consider sending a check today, or helping to cover the cost of your credit card transaction by adding on the processing fee at the bottom of this form. Thank you!

July 12–September 5, 2024

Explore our certified organic flower garden and cut beautiful flowers to make your own bouquets! Members pick 25 flower stems per week for 8 weeks, with extra picking in August when the flowers are abundant.

Cost: $150 per share*

*prorated weekly starting 7/19

# of Shares

November 1 to December 13, 2024 *no pick-up Thanksgiving week

$132 per person for 6 weekly meals


Do you have any allergies?

Your donation to NOFA Vermont’s Farm Share Program helps provide fresh, local foods to Vermonters in need of financial assistance via half-priced CSA shares. Thank you for helping out!


Credit card transaction fees add up! If you choose to pay by credit card, consider helping us cover the fees associated with processing the transaction. The amounts listed below are approximate.

Thank you!

Processing Fee