Teen Farm Fellowship

Fostering future thought leadership in agriculture and sustainability.

A unique, paid opportunity for teens to learn about sustainable agriculture and develop workforce-ready skills.

The Teen Farm Fellowship is a 10-week program, from June to August, providing place-based, hands-on experiences for participants to learn how to manage a small, organic vegetable farm while gaining crucial job, team building and leadership skills.

Crew members will:

  1. Engage fully in the process of managing crops, from seeding, planting, harvesting and weeding to greenhouse production, irrigation, produce distribution, and more.
  2. Learn through classes held at Cedar Circle Farm.
  3. Participate in service-learning projects on collaborating farms that focus on different types of agriculture.

This is a challenging and rewarding experience, as well as an excellent paid opportunity, for teens considering a future in agriculture, horticulture, botany, ecology, climate science, agricultural (or environmental) education, or any other field that requires well-developed group communication and leadership skills.

Applications for 2024 are now closed.

Questions? Contact us at education@cedarcirclefarm.org, or call 802-785-4737 during business hours, Monday to Friday.

Why this program?

Farmers grow food to feed our entire country, yet make up less than two percent of the population. We depend on this undersized workforce in the face of very urgent climate change impacts, while acknowledging another impending crisis for our food system: the aging population of farmers. The average age of a farmer in the United States is 57. As many of our farmers approach retirement age, we have to ask: “Who will feed us in the future?”

Now is the time to invest in our youth—to inspire and support young leaders to create a dynamic and resilient food system. The next generation of producers will need to understand not only how to grow food, fuel, and fiber, but also how to face the challenges presented by climate change and a growing population.