Make Some Squash Pie!
Pumpkins are on our minds! In the kitchen Gail and her team are busy dreaming up all the ways to use the abundance of squash and pumpkins. They’re thinking pumpkin muffins, pumpkin snicker doodles, pumpkin spice syrup (for Lattes in the cafe!), pumpkin bread pudding, pumpkin sage biscuits, pumpkin cheesecake, and the list goes on and on! (If you see the staff turning orange, now you know why.)
Our pie pumpkins and the rest of our winter squash varieties hit the stand this week. Winter squash and pie pumpkins can be used interchangeably in recipes. In fact, the canned pumpkin puree found in grocery stores is actually made from butternut squash. If you want to ensure pumpkin pie purity your best bet is to make pumpkin puree at home. However, other squashes, especially Red Kuri make fantastic ‘pumpkin’ pies due to their low water content and sweet flavor. Try a side-by-side comparison and let us know what you think!
The first step to make puree is to cut your pumpkins (or squash) in half and remove the seeds (save these for a snack!) and stringy bits. Lay the halves cut-side down on either a parchment lined baking sheet or a tray with an inch of water and roast at 400 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes until a fork can be inserted easily.

When the pumpkin has cooled, remove the skin and puree the flesh in a food processor until smooth. If you notice the puree is watery you can cook it down on the stove or strain it to remove the excess liquid. You can store your puree up to a week in the fridge or freeze it for up to 3 months.
To use, follow your favorite pumpkin recipe and substitute homemade puree for the canned stuff.