
You searched for soil and found 49 tips.

  • Geotextiles: Silver Plastic – Aluminum reflective mulch has similar uses to black plastic mulch, however it posses some unique properties. Read more →
  • Geotextiles: Typar Field Blankets – Typar is a garden cover that is thicker than row cover. Read more →
  • Green Garlic – Green garlic is garlic that is harvested before the scape (the flower bud) and bulb form. The bulb and the tender parts of the greens are delicious. Use them as you would scallions or leeks. Green garlic is sometimes called domestic ramps as they are similar in taste to wild ramps (a short-season wild leek with a garlicy taste). Read more →
  • Hardening Off Plants – Remember to harden off your plants! Any plants you buy from inside of a greenhouse have not been hardened off, those that are sold from outside have likely been conditioned to the cold weather and are ready to be outside. Read more →
  • Harvesting and Curing Garlic – Are the bottom three to five leaves on your garlic brown, with a few green leaves toward the top? It’s time to harvest! Read more →
  • How to Prune Tomatoes – There is no doubt that heavy pruning of tomato plants can greatly increase production. Follow these pruning instructions to get the most out of your tomatoes this summer! Read more →
  • How to Thin Carrots – Carrots and other similar root crops are almost always seeded too closely together. It is important to thin carrots, they will not grow to maturity unless they have space to do so. Read more →
  • Nematodes 101 – Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like organisms that live in the soil. A single handful of garden soil can contain thousands. While some nematodes can cause harm to plants, others can help your garden thrive. Read more →
  • No Till Agriculture – What is No-Till Agriculture? Read more →
  • Pest: Aphid – Aphids are a common tiny pear-shaped, soft-bodied insect up to 1/8” long. They are usually found in masses feeding on flowers and crops. Read more →

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