You searched for lettuce and found 11 tips.
- Beneficial Insect: Soldier Beetles – These beetles are related to fireflies. Just like our fiery friends, we also like to keep these soldiers around as they prey on pests that may be lurking among your plants. Read more →
- Early Planting – Here are some tips on getting on start on early plantings. Learn about crops that are less risky to plant early, and also some tricks that can help you protect your plants on those often cold spring nights. Read more →
- Frost Protection – Traditionally there is still a good possibility of frost in the Connecticut River valley through May 20, and up in the hills through Memorial Day weekend or even the first week of June. With care, you can still get a head start on the garden. Read more →
- Geotextiles: Typar Field Blankets – Typar is a garden cover that is thicker than row cover. Read more →
- Greens: Storage Tips – Storing food in small amounts is easy, but in larger quantities it can be tricky in our increasingly energy efficient homes. Most greens store best in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Here are some more tips for keeping your greens fresh. Read more →
- Growing Late Season Greens – In the heat of summer many greens are bolting (setting seed) and becoming bitter, but with a little planning you can still plant more greens throughout the summer! Read more →
- Pest: Earwigs – Wet weather bring masses of earwigs which wreak havoc on your plants close to the ground, especially those that have hollow stem or are very moist like lettuce, cabbage, and many other greens. Read more →
- Pest: Slugs – Wet weather brings slugs which wreak havoc on your plants close to the ground, especially those that are very moist like lettuce, cabbage, and many other greens. Read more →
- Saving Seeds – Seed saving is a fun way to bring your gardening talents to the next level! Empower yourself and follow these simple tips to save seeds from some common and simple-to-process vegetables. Read more →
- Starting a Garden – Let us share some tips with you on how, and why, to start your own garden, and provide some helpful resources too. Read more →