
You searched for gardening tips and found 66 tips.

  • Companion Planting – Companion plants help each other to grow in some way. For instance, some plants can extract certain nutrients from the soil and make them more available for other plants. Read more →
  • Compost: Turn food waste into soil nutrients! – Compost is an important soil amendment made of decomposed plant matter including food scraps. You can make right it in your backyard! With the right recipe, your compost heap will not omit bad odors, will lighten the load (and cost) of your trash, and will greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills. Adding compost to soil helps to restore the organic matter content allowing for greater moisture and nutrient retention and providing necessary food for essential microorganisms that live in healthy soil. Read more →
  • Container Gardening – Don’t let lack of space keep you from gardening! Read on to learn how to grow successfully in containers. Read more →
  • Cover Cropping for Soil Health – There are four commonly agreed upon tenets for building and maintaining soil health, and cover cropping is a part of all four. Read more →
  • Cover Crops – Got an area in the garden that just is not going to get planted? Try a cover crop! Cover crops are crops that are grown simply to enhance soil quality, rather than to directly produce food for people. Cover crops provide food for the living soil. Read more →
  • Dahlia Tubers – Don’t be intimidated by planting a tuber; it’s easier than growing the plants from seed. Read more →
  • Deer Resistant Plants – Oh deer….It happens to the best of us. Adorable little Bambi creeps out every spring and fills up on the tender shoots and leaves of our favorite plants. What should you do? Read more →
  • Dry Bean Seed Saving – Saving seed from dry beans could not be easier! Read more →
  • Early Planting – Here are some tips on getting on start on early plantings. Learn about crops that are less risky to plant early, and also some tricks that can help you protect your plants on those often cold spring nights. Read more →
  • Fertilizing Young Plants – Memorial day weekend is traditionally the time to plant the warm weather garden crops like tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, melons, squash, peppers, eggplant, basil, lavender, rosemary, and all the other tender annual flowers, herbs, and veggies. Young bedding plants do best with a fertilizer boost when planting. Read on to learn more about fertilizing young plants. Read more →

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