
You searched for damage and found 23 tips.

  • Brussels Sprouts : Tips from Seed to Harvest – These nutritious miniature cabbages are often under celebrated and even disliked. Don’t give up on them though! It is well worth noting that often store bought Brussels sprouts are picked too early – it shows in their bitter flavor and tough texture. Picking them fresh from the farm or garden after a few frosts sweetens the flavor and makes them tender, offering a whole different experience! Read more →
  • Cabbage: All About It – Throughout the season, the farm is inundated with cabbage! It is delicious and nutritious and abundant so get acquainted with it here. Read more →
  • Cabbage: Using & Storing – Do you know how to use cabbage? How about storing it? This tip will teach you how to do both things, so you can make the most of the harvest! Read more →
  • Companion Planting – Companion plants help each other to grow in some way. For instance, some plants can extract certain nutrients from the soil and make them more available for other plants. Read more →
  • Container Gardening – Don’t let lack of space keep you from gardening! Read on to learn how to grow successfully in containers. Read more →
  • Frost Protection – Traditionally there is still a good possibility of frost in the Connecticut River valley through May 20, and up in the hills through Memorial Day weekend or even the first week of June. With care, you can still get a head start on the garden. Read more →
  • Geotextiles: Row Cover or Reemay Cloth – In the Northeast, row cover is a farmer’s best friend. Read more to find out how you can benefit from using this geotextile in your home garden. Read more →
  • How to Prune Tomatoes – There is no doubt that heavy pruning of tomato plants can greatly increase production. Follow these pruning instructions to get the most out of your tomatoes this summer! Read more →
  • Nematodes 101 – Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like organisms that live in the soil. A single handful of garden soil can contain thousands. While some nematodes can cause harm to plants, others can help your garden thrive. Read more →
  • Pest: Aphid – Aphids are a common tiny pear-shaped, soft-bodied insect up to 1/8” long. They are usually found in masses feeding on flowers and crops. Read more →

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