You searched for cabbage and found 28 tips.
- Beneficial Insect: Lacewing – These beautiful, slender insects are attracted to lights and are commonly found clinging to window screens at night. But don’t swat them… they’re a big help in the garden. Read more →
- Beneficial Insect: Syrphid Fly or Hover Fly – These guys are your friends! Adult hover flies resemble small wasps, with a black and yellow or white striped abdomen. They will hover like a hummingbird as they drink nectar from flowers. Hover flies do not sting. They range in size from 1/4” to 1/2” depending on the species. The adults are the pollinators and its the larvae that consume pests. Read more →
- Beneficial Insect: Tachinid Fly – They are North America’s largest and most important group of parasitic flies, with at least 1300 species in the U.S. Celebrate these guys! Read more →
- Bok Choy: All About It – Bok Choy is a cruciferous vegetable (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage family). It does not form real “heads”, but instead grows as a cluster of leaves. Read more →
- Cabbage: All About It – Throughout the season, the farm is inundated with cabbage! It is delicious and nutritious and abundant so get acquainted with it here. Read more →
- Cabbage: Using & Storing – Do you know how to use cabbage? How about storing it? This tip will teach you how to do both things, so you can make the most of the harvest! Read more →
- Collard Greens: All About Them – A heartier green and member of the cabbage family, collard greens contain substantial amounts of vitamins K, and are rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese. They are also a moderate source of calcium and vitamin B6. Read more →
- Companion Planting – Companion plants help each other to grow in some way. For instance, some plants can extract certain nutrients from the soil and make them more available for other plants. Read more →
- Early Planting – Here are some tips on getting on start on early plantings. Learn about crops that are less risky to plant early, and also some tricks that can help you protect your plants on those often cold spring nights. Read more →
- Frost Protection – Traditionally there is still a good possibility of frost in the Connecticut River valley through May 20, and up in the hills through Memorial Day weekend or even the first week of June. With care, you can still get a head start on the garden. Read more →