
You searched for plant diversity and found 5 tips.

  • Beneficial Insect: Pirate Bug – Ah-hoy! Appropriately named, these bugs are villains toward other pests in your garden. Read more →
  • Beneficial Insect: Syrphid Fly or Hover Fly – These guys are your friends! Adult hover flies resemble small wasps, with a black and yellow or white striped abdomen. They will hover like a hummingbird as they drink nectar from flowers. Hover flies do not sting. They range in size from 1/4” to 1/2” depending on the species. The adults are the pollinators and its the larvae that consume pests. Read more →
  • Beneficial Insect: Tachinid Fly – They are North America’s largest and most important group of parasitic flies, with at least 1300 species in the U.S. Celebrate these guys! Read more →
  • Cover Cropping for Soil Health – There are four commonly agreed upon tenets for building and maintaining soil health, and cover cropping is a part of all four. Read more →
  • Heirloom Versus Hybrid Plants – While the long-term advantages of heirlooms are numerous, many farmers rely on the more consistent outcomes provided by hybridized seed. Read on to learn about the difference… Read more →