
You searched for carrot and found 12 tips.

  • Beneficial Insect: Ladybug – Welcome ladybugs into your garden not only for their cute color, shape and pattern, but for their pest-eating capabilities. Read more →
  • Beneficial Insect: Syrphid Fly or Hover Fly – These guys are your friends! Adult hover flies resemble small wasps, with a black and yellow or white striped abdomen. They will hover like a hummingbird as they drink nectar from flowers. Hover flies do not sting. They range in size from 1/4” to 1/2” depending on the species. The adults are the pollinators and its the larvae that consume pests. Read more →
  • Beneficial Insect: Tachinid Fly – They are North America’s largest and most important group of parasitic flies, with at least 1300 species in the U.S. Celebrate these guys! Read more →
  • Carrots, Beets, Parsnips, and Similar Roots: Storage Tips – Storing food in small amounts is easy, but in larger quantities it can be tricky in our increasingly energy efficient homes. Root vegetables store best in the refrigerator. Here are some more tips for keeping them longer. Read more →
  • Companion Planting – Companion plants help each other to grow in some way. For instance, some plants can extract certain nutrients from the soil and make them more available for other plants. Read more →
  • Heirloom Tomatoes: All About Them – Heirloom tomatoes have been selected over the years for their flavor. The word “heirloom” refers to the history behind the fruit, provoking endless images of farmers in their garden taste-testing and then saving seeds from the best tomatoes. Read more →
  • How to Thin Carrots – Carrots and other similar root crops are almost always seeded too closely together. It is important to thin carrots, they will not grow to maturity unless they have space to do so. Read more →
  • Pest: Root Maggot – Root maggots particularly plague Brassica crops, able to detect easily your newly planted and delicate seedlings. Stop them before they become established! Read more →
  • Saving Seeds – Seed saving is a fun way to bring your gardening talents to the next level! Empower yourself and follow these simple tips to save seeds from some common and simple-to-process vegetables. Read more →
  • Starting a Garden – Let us share some tips with you on how, and why, to start your own garden, and provide some helpful resources too. Read more →

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