Community Gardening

Community Gardens are a great way to strengthen both your community and to empower individuals to start growing their own food! Many of us at the farm are involved, or have been involved with community gardens, and encourage you to seek out your community garden whether you are a novice or an advanced gardener.

Cat is on the committees for both the Thetford and White River Junction community gardens. In addition to the series of classes she leads on the farm, she teaches a few free gardening clinics at each garden every summer. Many of Cat’s gardening tips about planting, harvesting, and garden pests are available here. She also writes some gardening tips for the Thetford garden blog. Her latest entry touches on mulching and succession planting.

Find a community garden in Vermont on the Vermont Community Garden Network. Don’t have a community garden near you? Be a Rebel Tomato and start one!

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